Lords Servants.

May it be Lord, to me as you have said.

I belive that everything you Lord have spoken, will be accomplished. Amen.


 I Pray;

Glorifiy the Lord,  my soul, 

rejoice in God my Savior,  my spirit.

For he is mindful of the humbel state of His servants.

Call me blessed,  God,  for all your great things that you do for us.

Holy is your name.

Your merci extends to those who fear you, from generation to generation.

Perform mighty deeds with your arm, lift up the humble and fill all who are hungry with good things,

help your servant Israel, remember that you are mercyful.

Remember that we are bear human, remember Jesus. You fellt it too. We love you Lord and we are sorry. I ask of you to give us your power and strength to walk in your light, to hear you and act. We dont have the strength of our own. Remember Jesus that we are weak. Remember that every good thing we do is all because of your power, will and even acts. Without your help and strength we are like the wind, or reflection in the mirror. As soon as we stop looking we forget.

Jesus, hold us tight in your hart. Make us worthy of your light.

In Jesus Christ name, we pray.

Thank you Lord. 

We love you.



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