You died for sinners like me.

Lord. To be against your help is to not do your will, and there for one must be afflicted and lost. To obey your word and to turn to The great Helper ; is to wake up each morning thinking of you, remembering your great mercy to a sinner like me.

Is to start every new day giving thanks and prayers to you.

To do your will is to seek your face, to seek your eyes Jesus. Than my hart will become your hart. To do your will is to seek the needy and give a helping hand or anything needed, is to do you work. Than you fill hearts with Love, joy and overflowing hope. By the power that comes from the Holy Spirit, from your spirit Jesus.

You died for sinners ,for those not worthy your name.You died for those who denied you, who spat on your face, who mocked you as you where hanging on a cross with thiefs and criminals even though you did only the good.

For blessing the sick and ill with healing and for raising up the dead. For giving the blind sight, and food to the hungry and poor. For helping the lost find there way. For showing Love to those who were unloved. For showing us the way to the good and pure and for telling us about God Almighty and his love for us.

For telling us about the solution to world powerty and sufferings, for talking about justice and peace. And most of all never will i forget, not one day of my life must i forget that when and after all this unjustice hatred to the only good mankind have ever known ,you forgave all of us ,hanging on the cross with blod running like river to the ground they spat on.

Lord, i rather walk alone with you than serve this world. Thank you for showing me and for opening my hart so that my eyes can see you and my hart is full of Love and Hope. I Love you forever and ever. In Jesus Krist name i pray ,and i give thanks and praices. Yours truely. Aida.

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1 identicon

Let us beware of the lie that offense in Christ is.

Offense due to Impatience.

Christ is going to fullfill every promise he has shown you.

The liar on the other hand tries to make Christ look like a liar by whispering fear and impatience into your heart.

If you believe that lie, you don´t believe Christ anymore, and that is what the devil is aiming for......

Gummi (IP-tala skráð) 13.12.2011 kl. 20:46

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